Peace River - 2nd album. Released in 2023. Tales of kinship, interesting conundrums and a special tree. A mix of folk, blues, jazz, classical and world music.

Review of Peace River: " In Peace River, Khaw demonstrates his songwriting prowess, with each track finely crafted and delivered with exceptional precision. The album's crisp production quality ensures that every nuance is heard..." - Dan Weston, ;Pitch Perfect Site;.

Freedom Badge - debut album released in 2022. A collection of personal stories that journeyed with me through the years until its debut. Wrapped up in different musical influences : blues, rock n roll, jazz, folk with touch of funk and classical. 

Review of Freedom Badge : "...he’s clearly a talented wordsmith just based on this first track......there’s a lot to enjoy here from a highly talented player."  - Dino Di Muro, Pitch Perfect Site

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