  1. Lucky Magnolia

From the recording Peace River

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Written and composed by Jason Khaw
Jason Khaw : vocals, guitars
Phil Sheppard : bass
For Mags.

Lucky Magnolia
In June 2021, a ferocious storm hit the Dandenong Ranges, Australia. It was about 5am when neighbour Mick phoned, waking me up. Our cottage was hit by a tree, he said. I risked Covid travel restrictions and drove over. It was like a war zone. 5 huge eucalypts were resting on their sides in the property. One of them had hit the woodshed, landed right in the middle and folded its steel roof into a “V”. The largest tree hit the house, a branch penetrated the roof. Pause. Rewind 8 years. The magnolia tree in our garden was gravely ill when we first met. Every winter I would feed it with nutrition, rest my hands on its waist and plead with Mags (we nickname our closest friends) to not die on us. On the 3rd spring, Mags recovered and bloomed. Its white flowers would grace our garden every spring thereafter. Unpause. The huge tree that hit the house had a trunk that branched into two at the top, like a “Y”. Mags which was in the path of the tree’s fall, survived a direct hit by being nestled right between the two arms of the “Y”. You cannot get luckier than that! So, I started writing a song for Mags. Much later on a visit to check on repairs, I found Mags lying in the garden, roots exposed. Dead. Mags had to be removed while the fence was being repaired, he said. I was devastated again. This time the hurt is much deeper. Mags was lucky but all the luck in the world could not evade the incomprehensibility of man.


It was June 2021
Early morning and the wind was having fun
As they huddled in the room, five came down
It was like the dawn of doom
Mick, he called, said you better come and see
Five km rule but it’s an emergency
I rushed myself straight to the scene
At the house Mick said “Hi” but I couldn’t speak
We’ve been warned, we’ve heard the plea
We’re losing the war, it’s plain for all to see
In the end, it’s down to you and me
Like the people of a country under siege
The hills were struck by man’s disease.
The shed was folded into a “V”
The big one hit the house, the roof it breached
Then there is Magnolia, in the middle of it all
The big one tried to hit her, like a hammer to a nail
As it crashed you can hear her sigh
Mags stood between the two arms of its “Y”
We’ve been warned, we’ve heard the plea
We’re losing the war, it’s plain for all to see
In the end, it’s down to you and me
It took me 3 years to bring Mags back to life
So I write a song for Mags as if she is my wife
Then yesterday as they fixed the fence
She was in the way, so in the end
It is from man that she never stood a chance
We’ve been warned, we’ve heard the plea
We’re losing the war, it’s plain for all to see
In the end, it’s up to you and me.